SAVE THE DATE: MANO’s 2017 Conference – Renewal – Ottawa, November 16 – 19, 2017

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario / Réseau des arts médi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (MANO/RAMO) is pleased to announce our next gath­er­ing of media artists, cul­tural work­ers, researchers and allies. This con­fer­ence, titled Renew­al, will bring togeth­er cul­tural work­ers and artists from across Ontario, Cana­da and inter­na­tion­ally to dis­cuss renew­ing the con­di­tions of our col­lec­tive labour and the spaces that make it possible.

Pro­gram­ming will include in-depth dis­cus­sions of the tax­a­tion of artist grants, pos­si­ble pen­sion plans for work­ers and artists, build­ing and ren­o­vat­ing facil­i­ties, col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing and orga­niz­ing, address­ing new fund­ing struc­tures, and chal­lenges across the field. We will also share pro­grams of mov­ing image works and close the gath­er­ing with a live per­for­mance by three incred­i­ble expand­ed cin­ema artists: Lind­say Mcin­tyre, Male­na Szlam, and Leslie Supnet.

The major­ity of con­fer­ence activ­i­ties will be held at the new­ly expand­ed Arts Court in Ottawa.

The pre­lim­i­nary sched­ule is:

Open­ing keynote and events: Nov 16, 7pm — 12am
Day 1: 9:30am – 12am
Day 2: 9:30am – 12am
Day 3: 10:00am – 2pm

Trav­el sub­si­dies will be avail­able for MANO mem­bers and pre-approved free­lance cul­tural workers.

For more infor­ma­tion contact:

Renew­al has been made pos­si­ble through the sup­port of the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts
