The man­date of the Asin­abka Fes­ti­val is to present an annu­al Indige­nous film & media arts fes­ti­val in the nations cap­i­tal that allows inde­pen­dent artists, nation­al, inter­na­tional, Indige­nous, non-Indige­nous, to share, present, and dis­sem­i­nate their work. The Asin­abka Fes­ti­val aims to high­light works that exam­ine Indige­nous issues and top­ics; to sup­port media-artists and film­mak­ers; to pro­mote Indige­nous lan­guages and cul­tures; to edu­cate about First Nations, Metis, & Inu­it issues in Cana­da, and about Indige­nous Issues inter­na­tion­ally; to pro­vide a space where Indige­nous peo­ples can tell their own sto­ries, and see their own cul­tures reflect­ed back at them; to enter­tain, to be inno­v­a­tive, and to present the best in Indige­nous film.