
The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) / Réseau des arts médi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (RAMO) is Ontario’s only arts ser­vice orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to fur­ther­ing the work of media arts orga­ni­za­tions, col­lec­tives, and the inde­pen­dent artists they represent.

MANO is focused on devel­op­ing respon­sive, inno­v­a­tive, and proac­tive ini­tia­tives that cre­ate mean­ing­ful oppor­tu­ni­ties for media artists and organizations.

Join MANO today to con­tribute your vision to the future of media arts in Ontario.

Recent Posts

Blurring the Boundaries 

Blur­ring the Bound­aries rep­re­sents a cross-dis­­­ci­­pli­­nary col­lab­o­ra­tion between Gift Tshu­ma, Joel Daze and Vibra­Fu­sion­Lab. BtB focus­es on cre­at­ing access and oppor­tu­ni­ty through com­mu­ni­ty, design, and the arts. The orga­ni­za­tion has been devel­op­ing cus­tom soft­ware and hard­ware resources over the last few years, includ­ing a selec­tion of artist toolk­its to devel­op open-source instru­ments and sound art pieces. Gift Tshu­ma, born in […]

  1. TourNet Shift + Share at Temporal Anchorings
  2. Temporal Anchorings: A National Media Arts Gathering
  3. TourNet at Media Arts Connect
  4. September 21 & 28 CLEO and MANO Partner on ONCA Compliance Workshops
  5. TourNet is here!
  6. April 18 & 19: Co-Presentations with Images Festival
  7. December 23 to January 9 — Holiday Closure
  8. Meet our New Board of Directors
  9. MANO Call for Board Members