September 21 & 28 CLEO and MANO Partner on ONCA Compliance Workshops

MANO is pleased to part­ner with Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion Ontario (CLEO) in order to deliv­er two work­ing ses­sions on ONCA com­pli­ance. Mark your cal­en­dars for Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 21 and Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 28 from 11 AM to 1 PM ET. These ses­sions are com­ple­men­tary to each oth­er so ensure you can attend both. Ontario’s Not-for-prof­it Cor­po­ra­tions […] Read More

August 10–14, 2022 — Through the Storm — National Media Arts Gathering

Through the Storm is a gath­er­ing of the media arts com­mu­ni­ty mobi­liz­ing col­lec­tive expe­ri­ence and insight to respond to long-run­ning and com­plex issues for artists, col­lec­tives, and organ­i­sa­tions. Based on top­ic streams, atten­dees will meet online pri­or to the in-per­son gath­er­ing pro­duc­ing state­ments, man­i­festos, and poli­cies to shape the com­ing years. This next gath­er­ing will be […] Read More

May 27 to June 6 — Co-presentation with InsideOut 

We are excit­ed to co-present the screen­ing of the “I Know You Were Trou­ble” shorts pro­gram at Inside Out LGBT Film Fes­ti­val. The Fes­ti­val will be tak­ing place from May 27 to June 6, 2021. Get your tick­ets and learn more at These are the five shorts in the program: Moth by Rox­anne Gaucherand […] Read More

May 26 — Co-presentation with Images Festival

We are excit­ed to co-present the pro­gram the sub­ject shines at the 2021 Images Fes­ti­val! This year, Images Fes­ti­val is FREE online via live-stream at from May 20–26, 2021. the sub­ject shines fea­tures works by Chloé Gal­ib­ert-Laîné and Chris Kennedy. The pro­gram will screen on Wednes­day, May 26th at 6:00 PM EDT with a […] Read More

Digital Equity and Community Control in Northern Ontario Launch of Community Conversations

Indige­nous Cul­ture and Media Inno­va­tion (ICMI) and The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) are pleased to announce the launch of a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­ni­ty-based project in North­ern Ontario. While each orga­ni­za­tion is man­ag­ing dis­tinct research projects, work in the region and a shared inter­est in dig­i­tal media brought the orga­ni­za­tions togeth­er to col­lab­o­rate. Orig­i­nal­ly con­ceived […] Read More

Dec 8 — Anti-Racism Policy Clinic

Date: Tues­day, Decem­ber 8th, 2020 Time: 1PM EST Free for IMAA and MANO members Ses­sion offered in English IMAA and MANO have part­nered to bring a series of pol­i­cy clin­ics to our mem­bers over the com­ing months. The Anti-Racism Pol­i­cy Clin­ic looks to expand the sec­tor’s anti-racism work, not only by exam­in­ing exist­ing orga­ni­za­tion­al poli­cies, but by […] Read More

Sept 16 — OAC Media Arts Funding Information Session for Northern Ontario

Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) & Indige­nous Cul­ture and Media Inno­va­tions (ICMI) invite you to an Ontario Arts Coun­cil Media Arts Fund­ing Infor­ma­tion Ses­sion for North­ern Ontario WHEN: Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 16th, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET (9 a.m. to 11 a.m. CT) WHERE: Zoom (link will be pro­vid­ed after you register) WHAT: Find out about:  […] Read More

May 5 — “Gently Down The Stream”: Planning For Online Film Festivals

A case study in going online with Images Festival  Host­ed by Images Fes­ti­val and the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) Tues­day May 5, 4:00 PM ET – 5:30 PM ET  RSVP to with your name and orga­ni­za­tion­al affil­i­a­tion (if applic­a­ble) to receive a login.  With the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic forc­ing the can­cel­la­tion and/or post­pone­ment of […] Read More