May 5 — “Gently Down The Stream”: Planning For Online Film Festivals

A case study in going online with Images Festival 

Host­ed by Images Fes­ti­val and the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO)

Tues­day May 5, 4:00 PM ET – 5:30 PM ET
 RSVP to with your name and orga­ni­za­tion­al affil­i­a­tion (if applic­a­ble) to receive a login. 

With the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic forc­ing the can­cel­la­tion and/or post­pone­ment of events and gath­er­ings world­wide, arts orga­ni­za­tions have grap­pled with the ques­tion of when to go online, how to pull it off, and how to not take it too far. With­in inde­pen­dent and exper­i­men­tal media art, the inti­ma­cy of col­lec­tive view­ing is a big part of how work is intend­ed to be expe­ri­enced. How can we watch togeth­er while apart, and how can we cre­ate spaces of atten­tion and care for art­works, artists, and ideas in the online space?

To begin address­ing these ques­tions, prac­ti­cal and the­o­ret­i­cal, Images Fes­ti­val staff will present a zoom work­shop with Images 2020 as a case study. Pre­sen­ters include Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Samuel La France, Artis­tic Direc­tor Stef­fanie Ling, and Oper­a­tions Direc­tor Barbo­ra Racevičiūtė.