
Per­son­al Health Insur­ance for MANO Mem­bers Through the Arts & Enter­tain­ment Plan®

Need health insur­ance? Mem­ber­ship in MANO comes with access to the pop­u­lar Arts & Enter­tain­ment Plan — an afford­able health insur­ance plan offered by the not-for-prof­it insur­er AFBS. Access­ing the plan has become even eas­ier with the new quot­ing and online enroll­ment func­tion­al­ity which boasts the fastest appli­ca­tion process in Canada.

MANO mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions have access for insur­ing staff and con­trac­tors with pol­i­cy rest­ing with the employ­ee, with flex­i­ble struc­tures for pay­ment mod­els. Addi­tion­al­ly mem­ber­ship based orga­ni­za­tions of pro­fes­sion­als, such as pro­duc­tion cen­tres, will, as MANO mem­bers, be able to offer the plan to their pro­fes­sion­al artist membership.

The Arts & Enter­tain­ment Plan® is designed to help artists and arts work­ers man­age their health care costs. MANO mem­ber­s’s staff and con­trac­tors are guar­an­teed accep­tance* into the plan, with no med­ical ques­tion­naires nec­es­sary and no refusals based on pre-exist­ing conditions.

There are two plan options: Stan­dard and Com­pre­hen­sive. Both options offer den­tal, pre­scrip­tion drug, extend­ed health care (hos­pi­tal room, acupunc­ture, mas­sage etc…), and trav­el emer­gency med­ical cov­er­age. Both options also pro­vide life and AD&D insur­ance and a Mem­ber and Fam­i­ly Assis­tance Pro­gram. There’s a month­ly pay­ment option avail­able and pre­mi­ums may be tax deductible.

The Arts & Enter­tain­ment Plan® web­site will give you a price quote in just two steps and it enables you to enroll in the plan and pay online by cred­it card. Once you’re reg­is­tered you’ll have access to a new mem­ber por­tal where you can login and view your account details.

For more infor­ma­tion about the costs and ben­e­fits of the Arts & Enter­tain­ment Plan® you can go here or email

*must be over 18 and under 71 to enroll