August 10–14, 2022 — Through the Storm — National Media Arts Gathering

Through the Storm is a gath­er­ing of the media arts com­mu­ni­ty mobi­liz­ing col­lec­tive expe­ri­ence and insight to respond to long-run­ning and com­plex issues for artists, col­lec­tives, and organ­i­sa­tions. Based on top­ic streams, atten­dees will meet online pri­or to the in-per­son gath­er­ing pro­duc­ing state­ments, man­i­festos, and poli­cies to shape the com­ing years. This next gath­er­ing will be […] Read More

Cold Waters: Symposium & Media Arts Festival 2019

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario / Réseau des arts médi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (MANO/RAMO) and Near North Mobile Media Lab (N2M2L) are pleased to invite artists and cul­tur­al work­ers to North Bay, Ontario from June 12–15, 2019 to our bien­ni­al gath­er­ing, Cold Waters: Sym­po­sium & Media Arts Festival. For more infor­ma­tion and reg­is­tra­tion see: Read More

Renewal Symposium

Reg­is­tra­tion now open for MANO’s 2017 Con­fer­ence – Renewal  Toron­to, Novem­ber 17 – 19, 2017 The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario / Réseau des arts médi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (MANO/RAMO) is pleased to announce our next gath­er­ing of media artists, cul­tural work­ers, researchers and allies. This con­fer­ence, titled Renew­al, will bring togeth­er cul­tural work­ers and artists from […] Read More

Mapping Medias Symposium

Toron­to, Jan­u­ary 28 to 31, 2016 Fol­low­ing its his­toric gath­er­ings for the media arts sec­tor MANO/RAMO is pleased to announce Map­ping Medias to be held in Toron­to Jan­u­ary 2016 arti­cle source. Tak­ing the dis­cus­sions of ON.Fire in 2010 and Evolve or Per­ish in 2013 as a start­ing point Map­ping Medias will focus on the rapid­ly evolv­ing […] Read More

Save The Date: Mapping Medias Symposium January 28–31, 2016 — Toronto

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario presents the Map­ping Medias Sym­po­sium in part­ner­ship with 8 Fest: Small Gauge Film Fes­ti­val, Jan­u­ary 28 to 31, 2016 in Toron­to, Ontario. This three-day gath­er­ing of media arts pro­fes­sion­als from across Ontario will pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for dis­cus­sion and debate regard­ing where the sec­tor has been and where it […] Read More

Evolve or Perish: Media Arts Symposium – November 14–17, 2013 – Ottawa, Ontario

Evolve or Per­ish: Media Arts Symposium Thurs­day Novem­ber 14 to Sun­day Novem­ber 17 Arts Court, Ottawa Down­load the full pro­gram as PDF: Evolve or Perish_FINAL Screen­ings and Keynote at Club Saw: 67 Nicholas Street Exhi­bi­tion and Par­ties at Galerie SAW Gallery: 67 Nicholas Street Pan­els in the Arts Court Stu­dio: 2 Daly Ave Reg­is­ter online at: […] Read More

MANO/RAMO Symposium Announcement

Hel­lo MANO/RAMO Mem­bers and Friends, We are pleased to announce the con­firmed dates for our 2013 Sym­po­sium on the theme of media arts evo­lu­tion. The Sym­po­sium will take place in Ottawa, Novem­ber 14–17, in part­ner­ship with SAW Video and Galerie SAW Gallery. The sym­po­sium will occur dur­ing the gallery’s sixth ART STAR Video Art Bien­nial, […] Read More