Evolve or Perish: Media Arts Symposium – November 14–17, 2013 – Ottawa, Ontario

Evolve or Per­ish: Media Arts Symposium

Thurs­day Novem­ber 14 to Sun­day Novem­ber 17

Arts Court, Ottawa

Down­load the full pro­gram as PDF: Evolve or Perish_FINAL

Screen­ings and Keynote at Club Saw: 67 Nicholas Street

Exhi­bi­tion and Par­ties at Galerie SAW Gallery: 67 Nicholas Street

Pan­els in the Arts Court Stu­dio: 2 Daly Ave

Reg­is­ter online at: https://mano-ramo.ca/evolve-registration/

Down­load the full pro­gram guide as a pdf: Sym­po­sium booklet-Final

MANO/RAMO is pleased to announce Evolve or Per­ish: Media Arts Sym­po­sium in part­ner­ship with Galerie SAW Gallery ART STAR 5: Wit­ness and Tes­tify. This three-day forum will bring togeth­er media arts pro­fes­sion­als from across Ontario, and beyond, to engage in live­ly dis­cus­sion and debate on major issues fac­ing the sec­tor. The events will pro­vide up-to-date infor­ma­tion regard­ing the cur­rent state of fund­ing, iden­tify sys­temic prob­lems that impact the media arts com­mu­nity, and cre­ate a space to imag­ine new mod­els of collaboration.

While the days will focus on dis­cus­sion and debate regard­ing the sec­tor, the evenings will pro­vide a cel­e­bra­tion of Cana­dian and Inter­na­tional video art pro­vided by Galerie SAW Gallery’s ART STAR 5: Wit­ness and Tes­tify Through the debates and dis­cus­sions, Evolve or Per­ish hopes to pro­voke ideas around big questions.

Con­fer­ence Reg­is­tra­tion is based on a slid­ing scale: 

$40-$100 for the first rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion or collective.

$40 for addi­tional rep­re­sen­ta­tives from an orga­ni­za­tion or collective.

$30 for stu­dents and inde­pen­dent artists, cura­tors and administrators.

Need anoth­er rea­son to join MANO/RAMO?

MANO/RAMO pro­vides Trav­el Assis­tance for one rep­re­sen­ta­tive from each mem­ber orga­ni­za­tion or col­lec­tive. Accom­mo­da­tion sub­si­dies for mem­bers are based on availability.

To join MANO/RAMO please see: https://mano-ramo.ca/join-manoramo

THURSDAY, Novem­ber 14, 2013

Open­ing Keynote: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Clive Robertson

FRIDAY, Novem­ber 15, 2013

Access and Account­abil­ity: New Mod­els For Inclu­sive Arts Pro­gram­ming 10:00am – 12:00pm
David Bobier, Deb­o­rah Fels, Cather­ine MacK­in­non, Mar­got Whitfield

Media Art Fun­ders: Changes and Con­ti­nu­ity 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Felipé Diaz — Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts, Mark Haslam — Ontario Arts Coun­cil and San­jay Sha­hani — Ontario Tril­lium Foundation

Refram­ing Cap­i­tal: Tech­no­log­i­cal Change, Rent, Depen­dency, and the Means of Pro­duc­tion 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Shar­lene Bam­boat, Hol­ly Cun­ning­ham, Chris Kennedy, Pen­ny McCann

Evolve or Per­ish After-Par­ty: One Hit Won­ders and Time­less Classics
11PM2AM / Club SAW, 67 Nicholas Street
Pre­sented by SAW Video

SATURDAY, Novem­ber 16, 2013

Col­lec­tive Mobil­ity and Insti­tu­tional Sta­bil­ity: Col­lab­o­ra­tion where Slow­ness Meets Speed 10:00am – 12:00pm
Gina Bad­ger, Maria Ale­jan­d­rina Coates, Emma Hen­drix, Jim Shedden

Youth in Revolt: Pre­car­i­ous Labour, the Young Cura­tor, and Admin­is­tra­tor in the Media Arts 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Howard Adler, Eliane Ell­bo­gen, Chris­tine Swin­tak, cheyanne turions

Evo­lu­tion, Muta­tion, Ampu­ta­tion, and Death: Change and its Dis­con­tents 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Hen­ry Faber, Jean-Paul Kel­ly, Deirdre Logue, Monique Manatch

SUNDAY, Novem­ber 17, 2013

MANO/RAMO AGM 10am-2pm

ART STAR 5: Wit­ness and Tes­tify schedule:

As men­tioned above, our col­leagues at Galerie Saw Gallery will be pre­sent­ing their bien­nial video art exhi­bi­tion ART STAR 5: Wit­ness and Tes­tify. The sched­ule is below. In oth­er great things Evolve or Per­ish reg­is­trants get free access to ART STAR pro­gram­ming (except the Mas­ter Class with Bas­ma Alsharif) and ART STAR pass-hold­ers receive free access to all Evolve or Per­ish events.

THURSDAY, Novem­ber 14

Art Star 5: Video Art Bien­nial / Wit­ness and Testify
in con­junc­tion with Evolve or Per­ish Media Arts Symposium

Wit­ness and Tes­tify Blowup Party 
Fea­tur­ing the exhi­bi­tion Road Movie by Elle Flan­ders and Tami­ra Sawatzky (Pub­lic Studio)
With DJs Lakes Dis­trict and Gina Vanelli
8PM2AM / Galerie SAW Gallery

FRIDAY, Novem­ber 15
Thirza Jean Cut­hand Shorts Screening
Curat­ed by Reena Katz
7PM / Club SAW

Bas­ma Alsharif Shorts Screening
Curat­ed by Christo­pher Rohde
9PM / Club SAW

SATURDAY, Novem­ber 16
Mas­ter Class with Bas­ma Alsharif
2PM / Club SAW

Sophie Calle Dou­ble Blind/No Sex Last Night Screening
Curat­ed by Anna Khimasia
7PM / Club SAW

Isabelle Pauwels Shorts Screening
Curat­ed by Rhi­an­non Vogl
9PM / Club SAW

SUNDAY, Novem­ber 17
Clos­ing Night: The Miss­ing Pic­ture by Rithy Panh
Curat­ed by Jason St-Laurent
7PM / Club SAW

Evolve or Per­ish is gen­er­ously sup­ported by the Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Coun­cil and the Ontario Tril­lium Foun­da­tion.

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario/Réseau des arts medi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (MANO/RAMO) is an arts ser­vice orga­ni­za­tion whose man­date is to devel­op and fos­ter a uni­fied and respon­sive provin­cial net­work for Ontario media arts orga­ni­za­tions and the inde­pen­dent artists they represent.

MANO/RAMO’s vision is informed by the val­ue that a rich and vibrant cul­tural land­scape includes the con­tin­ued diver­sity of artis­tic and cul­tural expres­sion offered by inde­pen­dent film, video, audio and new media arts. These forms of expres­sion pro­vide alter­na­tives to main­stream, com­mer­cial and insti­tu­tional ide­olo­gies. It is the organization’s belief that com­munity engage­ment with diverse artis­tic prac­tices improves qual­ity of life by pro­mot­ing cul­tural understand­ing and respect at all lev­els of society.