September 21 & 28 CLEO and MANO Partner on ONCA Compliance Workshops

MANO is pleased to part­ner with Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion Ontario (CLEO) in order to deliv­er two work­ing ses­sions on ONCA com­pli­ance. Mark your cal­en­dars for Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 21 and Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 28 from 11 AM to 1 PM ET. These ses­sions are com­ple­men­tary to each oth­er so ensure you can attend both.

Ontario’s Not-for-prof­it Cor­po­ra­tions Act (ONCA) was pro­claimed on Octo­ber 19th, 2021. Non­prof­its have until Octo­ber 18th, 2024 to update their bylaws and let­ters patent to com­ply with ONCA. In these work­ing ses­sions, par­tic­i­pants will work through their bylaws and let­ters patent and a spe­cial work­book to iden­ti­fy what they might want or need to change in order to com­ply with ONCA.

Prepa­ra­tion: Par­tic­i­pants are advised to review their gov­ern­ing doc­u­ments ahead of time to be some­what famil­iar with the lay­out and con­tent. Par­tic­i­pants must bring a dig­i­tal or phys­i­cal copy of their bylaws and (prefer­ably) let­ters patent.

These ses­sions are for: senior lead­ers, board mem­bers, and any­one involved in the cor­po­rate gov­er­nance of orga­ni­za­tions already incor­po­rat­ed under Ontario’s Cor­po­ra­tions Act or a spe­cial Act. One or more rep­re­sen­ta­tives from your orga­ni­za­tion are wel­come to attend. Reg­is­tra­tion instruc­tions to come.

These ses­sion are not for

  • orga­ni­za­tions that are not them­selves incor­po­rat­ed but part of a larg­er orga­ni­za­tion or government,
  • orga­ni­za­tions incor­po­rat­ed under Cana­da Not-for-Prof­it Cor­po­ra­tions Act,
  • Orga­ni­za­tions incor­po­rat­ed under Co-oper­a­tive Cor­po­ra­tions Act, or
  • Oth­er statutes out­side of Ontario

About the Facilitator

Ben­jamin Miller (he/him) is a staff lawyer on the Non­prof­it Law Ontario project of Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Edu­ca­tion Ontario (CLEO) where he focus­es on the legal needs of non­prof­its and char­i­ties. Over the past five years at CLEO, Ben­jamin has answered over a thou­sand non­prof­it law ques­tions and devel­oped an online inter­ac­tive bylaw builder for the ONCA. Ben­jamin also works at the Ontario Non­prof­it Net­work and has worked at the Cana­da Rev­enue Agency in the past. Ben­jamin holds a JD and MPP from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and an MA in polit­i­cal the­o­ry from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ottawa.