Joining MANO

MANO is only as strong as its membership—together, we provide a cohesive voice that represents the needs and priorities of our sector. Join MANO today to be part of the evolution of the media arts in Ontario.

Our annual membership fee structure ensures accessibility for even the smallest of budgets, ranging from $30–$150. We also consider applications from organizations that do not have the budget to pay artist fees but are looking for support in reaching this goal (rationale required).

By joining MANO, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Networking with a community of media arts organizations across the province
  • Information about ongoing advocacy initiatives and ways to get involved
  • Updates on changes to provincial arts legislation that affect your work and funding
  • News about arts council policies, initiatives, and developments
  • Possible travel subsidy opportunities to the biennial IMAA national conference
  • Possible travel and registration fee subsidies to the MANO biennial conference
  • Support with making connections to organizations you wish to partner with, receive mentorship from, or build relationships with
  • A role in raising the profile of media arts activities with audiences and the general public
  • Input into the direction of the organization
  • An opportunity to build a strong, adequately resourced, well funded and vibrant sector that has the capacity for continued growth
A Zoom Handy recorder, in use, rests on a white tabletop.
Membership FeeS

2024 Membership Fee Structure

Tier A: $30

For budgets less than $50,000

Tier B: $50

For budgets between $50,000 and $150,000

Tier C: $100

For budgets between $150,000 and $400,000

Tier D: $200

For budgets above $400,000

To Apply

MANO Membership Application

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Lower edge of a laptop keyboard on a white desk.