Ed Video exists to insti­gate and enable the cre­ation and exhi­bi­tion of inde­pen­dent media arts. Any­one can become a mem­ber, take work­shops, rent equip­ment, or take part in our events. Since 1976, Ed Video has helped mem­bers cre­ate video-based projects that rep­re­sent the diver­sity, spir­it and view­points of the peo­ple in our region. We achieve this by offer­ing skill-enrich­ing work­shops at a vari­ety of expe­ri­ence lev­els and rent­ing video pro­duc­tion equip­ment at rates that are afford­able for users at all levels. Ed Video cre­ates last­ing links between artists, audi­ences, and orga­ni­za­tions in our role as an estab­lished cul­tural cen­tre in a city renowned for being vibrant with cre­ativ­ity. Above all, Ed Video is com­mit­ted to the edu­ca­tional poten­tial that video has for cre­ators and view­ers, young and old, and pro­mot­ing the con­trol and com­pre­hen­sion of con­tem­po­rary video-based art. www.edvideo.org