The Female Eye Film Fes­ti­val (FeFF) – “Always hon­est, not always pret­ty” – was found­ed in 2001. FeFF is an annu­al com­pet­i­tive inde­pen­dent film fes­ti­val that pro­vides an exclu­sive show­case for Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al women film­mak­ers. It pays trib­ute to the best and most cre­ative in inde­pen­dent film and serves to bridge the gap between the writ­ten, visu­al, and media arts with script devel­op­ment, book sign­ings, and our annu­al pho­to exhibit. In addi­tion to the fes­ti­val, FeFF runs the Young Film­mak­er Devel­op­ment Work­shop (YFDW), a men­tor­ship pro­gram for debut film­mak­ers. To date, FeFF has pro­duced 46 short exper­i­men­tal films involv­ing women and girls aged 13 to 25. Twen­ty-six were debut Indige­nous direc­tors; all pre­miered at FeFF. In 2014, FeFF began curat­ing Cana­di­an film pro­grams for sis­ter fes­ti­vals abroad: Fly­ing Broom (Turkey), KIN Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Arme­nia), Fem­Cine (Chile), Los Ange­les Women’s Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val (Unit­ed States), and in 2023, we’ll present films at Por­to Femme (Por­tu­gal) and the Beirut Inter­na­tion­al Women Film Fes­ti­val (Lebanon). MovieMak­er mag­a­zine vot­ed FeFF one of the “World’s Top Fifty Film Fes­ti­vals Worth the Entry Fee” for the 10th con­sec­u­tive year in 2022. FeFF cel­e­brates its 20th anniver­sary edi­tion June 9 to 12, 2022, at the TIFF Bell Light­box in Toronto. www.