Images Fes­ti­val is the largest fes­ti­val in North Amer­ica for exper­i­men­tal and inde­pen­dent mov­ing image cul­ture, show­cas­ing the inno­v­a­tive edge of inter­na­tional con­tem­po­rary media art both on and off the screen through film, video, instal­la­tion, music and per­for­mance. From Super‑8 and hand-tint­ed cel­lu­loid to the lat­est video art, Images has pre­sented thou­sands of films and media based projects since 1988. Images is com­mit­ted to an expand­ed con­cept of film and video prac­tice: along­side the­atri­cal screen­ings, the fes­ti­val presents ground­break­ing live per­for­mances, media art instal­la­tions in gal­leries across the GTA and new media projects by many renowned Cana­dian and inter­na­tional artists. We go out of our way and over the edge to pro­vide Toron­to with an annu­al extrav­a­ganza of van­guard image mak­ing. Attend­ed by more than 30,000 peo­ple each year, the Images Fes­ti­val is a crit­i­cal forum for the inde­pen­dent media arts in Cana­da and around the world and pro­vides artists with a sup­port­ive and pro­fes­sional forum in which to present their projects.