New Adven­tures in Sound Art (NAISA) is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, for­mer­ly based in Toron­to, that presents per­for­mances and instal­la­tions span­ning the entire spec­trum of elec­troa­coustic and exper­i­men­tal sound art. NAISA has been oper­at­ing the NAISA North Media Arts Cen­tre since 2017, locat­ed in the cen­tre of the vil­lage of South Riv­er at 106 Ottawa Ave., a short dis­tance from Algo­nquin Park, at the build­ing for­mer­ly known as Renée’s Café and Bean There Café. The NAISA North Media Arts Cen­tre includes a large exhibition/performance space, a small café, and an artist res­i­den­cy space suit­able for media art production/creation. The objec­tives of NAISA are to fos­ter aware­ness and under­stand­ing local­ly, as well as nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly, in the cul­tur­al vital­i­ty of exper­i­men­tal sound art in its myr­i­ad forms of expres­sion. This objec­tive is achieved through the explo­ration of new sound tech­nolo­gies in con­junc­tion with the cre­ation of cul­tur­al events and arti­facts. NAISA’s annu­al events include: the Deep Wire­less fes­ti­val of Radio & Trans­mis­sion Art, the Sound Trav­els Fes­ti­val of Sound Art, the SOUND­play fes­ti­val and Springscapes.