re:assemblage col­lec­tive : since 2016 this col­lec­tive has been com­mit­ted to cham­pi­oning under­rep­re­sent­ed voic­es and per­spec­tives through pub­lic film/video screen­ings. We are itin­er­ant and inten­tion­al. We are “reassem­bling” assump­tions about artist film/video prac­tices: who is shown and the forms of works cham­pi­oned. In 2022 we start­ed a new non-fic­tion film fes­ti­val called DIFFUSION sched­uled to take place August 17–20, 2023 along­side our year-round events. The re:assemblage col­lec­tive was co-insti­gat­ed by Christi­na Bat­tle and Scott Miller Berry and is cur­rent­ly com­prised of Faraz Anoushah­pour with Miller Berry and calls Tkaronto/Toronto home. Web­site: Insta­gram: @reassemblagecollective Email: reassemblagecollective@gmail. com