Ren­dezvous with Mad­ness is the first and largest men­tal health fes­ti­val in the world. The fes­ti­val presents local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al work explor­ing themes of men­tal health and addic­tion issues each October. Ren­dezvous was found­ed in 1993 and is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary event that includes visu­al art, per­for­mance, music, the­atre and dance in addi­tion to its core empha­sis on film/media arts pro­grams, pan­el dis­cus­sions, work­shops and in-con­ver­sa­tion events. Ren­dezvous presents films in all gen­res, lengths and forms that are by or about per­sons’ lived expe­ri­ence of men­tal health, addic­tions, recov­ery, well­ness. There is nev­er a fee to sub­mit your film and artist fees/rentals are paid above IMAA scale based on duration. More info and our FAQ can be found here: ren­dezvous-with-mad­ness/ submissions/ Web­site ren­dezvous-with-mad­ness/