The Toron­to Com­ic Arts Fes­ti­val (TCAF) exists to pro­mote the breadth and diver­si­ty of comics, and what is con­sid­ered comics, as legit­i­mate medi­um of lit­er­ary and artis­tic worth. We seek to pro­mote the cre­ators of these works in their broad and diverse voic­es, for the bet­ter­ment of the medi­um of comics and to reach as wide an audi­ence as pos­si­ble for them. Since 2009, TCAF has been host­ed at the Toron­to Ref­er­ence Library and sur­round­ing venues in the Bloor/Yonge neigh­bour­hood in Toron­to, Ontario, Cana­da. The week-long cel­e­bra­tion of comics and graph­ic nov­els and their cre­ators cul­mi­nates in a two-day exhi­bi­tion and ven­dor fair fea­tur­ing hun­dreds of comics cre­ators from around the world. Oth­er Fes­ti­val events include read­ings, inter­views, pan­els, work­shops, gallery shows, art instal­la­tions, and much more. More at