Artists on Basic Income launch

Artists on Basic Income: title in black text on a mottled orange and lavender background.
Artists on Basic Income cov­er detail.

MANO is excited to host the public launch of a much anticipated report, Artists on Basic Income: Beyond Precarious Livelihoods.

With support from the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA), the launch event will take place on Zoom on Thursday, January 23 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. EST.

Participants can register for free at this Zoom link.

About the report

Artists on Basic Income: Beyond Pre­car­i­ous Liveli­hoods is based on an artist-led com­mis­sion orga­nized in response to the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. The com­mis­sion heard tes­ti­monies from 20 artists across Cana­da dur­ing a two-day online event, held in 2021, whose lived expe­ri­ences are sum­ma­rized in the report.

Cen­tring artists’ voic­es, Artists on Basic Income address­es frus­tra­tions with the gap between the cul­tur­al sector’s social and eco­nom­ic sig­nif­i­cance and the strained liv­ing and work­ing con­di­tions of artists. It explores calls to rec­og­nize artists as work­ers, their expe­ri­ences with income inse­cu­ri­ty and lack of social pro­tec­tions, the con­nec­tion between pre­car­i­ty and men­tal health, and the grow­ing hous­ing and stu­dio space crises.

At its core, the report focus­es on how artist-tes­ti­fiers under­stand and envi­sion basic income and its poten­tial to trans­form their liveli­hoods, prac­tices, sec­tors, and soci­ety as a whole. It also out­lines prac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions for imple­ment­ing a basic income pro­gram, draw­ing lessons from tes­ti­fiers’ expe­ri­ence of the Cana­da Emer­gency Response Ben­e­fit (CERB). The report con­cludes with key pol­i­cy rec­om­men­da­tions that will be of vital inter­est to pol­i­cy­mak­ers, arts ser­vice orga­ni­za­tions, and artists themselves.