MANO is Hiring a Conference Coordinator — March 18

Con­fer­ence Coordinator

Cold Waters: Sym­po­sium & Media Arts Festival

North Bay, June 12–15, 2019

Dead­line for appli­ca­tions 6:00PM Mon­day March 18, 2019

The North Bay Con­fer­ence Coor­di­na­tor will work with staff at the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario and Near North Mobile Media Lab to ensure the logis­tics and hos­pi­tal­i­ty at the Cold Waters: Sym­po­sium and Media Arts Fes­ti­val run smooth­ly. This is a short term con­tract from April 1 to June 23, 2019 with com­pen­sa­tion of $5,000. The Con­fer­ence Coor­di­na­tor will work part-time flex­i­ble hours in the months of April to ear­ly June, but will need to be avail­able full time from June 10th to 16th, inclu­sive.

The Cold Waters: Sym­po­sium and Media Arts Fes­ti­val is Ontario’s bien­ni­al con­fer­ence of Media Arts and Artist Run-Cen­tres. It will fea­ture pan­els, work­shops, artist talks, stu­dio vis­its, screen­ings, per­for­mances, instal­la­tions, and a vari­ety of avenues for net­work­ing and collaboration.

Respon­si­bil­i­ties Include:

-Orga­nize del­e­gate and artist accom­mo­da­tions, food, trav­el, attendee badges & wel­come pack­ages, reg­is­tra­tion list, venue signage

-Man­age reg­is­tra­tion table, pro­vide atten­dees with pack­ages, col­lect any mon­ey owing, answer ques­tions about pro­gram­ming, etc.

-Coor­di­nate Fes­ti­val logis­tics includ­ing room book­ings, sched­ule of activ­i­ties, tech­ni­cal & space needs, local equip­ment rentals, cater­ing of meals and snacks, etc

-Recruit, train and man­age event vol­un­teers, includ­ing front of house ush­ers for tick­et­ed events, mon­i­tor­ing capac­i­ty, safe­ty, set-up and clean up of spaces, etc

-Oth­er duties as assigned


-Pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence work­ing in a con­fer­ence, fes­ti­val, or film pro­duc­tion environment

-Knowl­edge of the North Bay hos­pi­tal­i­ty industry

-Excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion­al and time man­age­ment skills

-Prob­lem solv­ing skills, abil­i­ty to think on your feet 

-Abil­i­ty to work with a team of orga­niz­ers remote­ly as every­one is locat­ed in dif­fer­ent parts of the Province

-Driver’s licence and access to own vehi­cle are an asset

Dead­line for appli­ca­tions 6:00PM Mon­day March 18, 2019


Apply to with cov­er let­ter and CV as one pdf document. 

About MANO & N2M2L

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario/Réseau des arts médi­a­tiques de l’Ontario (MANO/RAMO) is Ontario’s only arts ser­vice orga­ni­za­tion exclu­sively ded­i­cated to fur­ther­ing the work of media arts orga­ni­za­tions and the inde­pen­dent artists they rep­re­sent. MANO/RAMO is focused on devel­op­ing respon­sive, inno­v­a­tive and proac­tive ini­tia­tives that cre­ate mean­ing­ful oppor­tu­ni­ties for media artists and organizations.

Near North Mobile Media Lab (N2M2L) pro­vides the tools media artists, stu­dents, film­mak­ers, and audi­ences in North­ern Ontario need to pro­duce, present, and enjoy con­tem­po­rary media arts in all its forms.