CCA New Model Overview and Strategy Discussion

Tues­day March 14, 2017
Con­nect at:

With­in the new Cana­da Coun­cil for the Arts  fund­ing mod­el there are numer­ous changes that will affect how media arts groups apply for funds and how pro­grams will need to be struc­tured to take full advan­tage of the avail­able oppor­tu­ni­ties. In this webi­nar dis­cus­sion MANO staff, Ben Donoghue and Adri­ana Rossel­li will pro­vide an overview of what we have learned so far and pos­si­ble strate­gic frame­works for max­i­miz­ing fund­ing for media arts orga­ni­za­tions and collectives.