Northern Ontario Media Arts Webinar

Pre­sented by the Ontario 
Arts Coun­cil in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario and Near North Mobile Media Lab

Date: Mon­day, March 27, 2017
Spaces Open & Refresh­ments: 6:00 PM EST
Webi­nar: 6:30 PM EST

To reg­is­ter please email and indi­cate if you will be attend­ing any of the in–person ses­sions at the loca­tions list­ed below.

This free webi­nar aims to share focused infor­ma­tion on Media Arts for north­ern Ontario artists and orga­ni­za­tions.  We will be dis­cussing the OAC’s grants and ser­vices, as well as MANO’s role and ser­vices with­in the provin­cial media arts sec­tor. Invit­ed media arts orga­ni­za­tion Near North Mobile Media Lab will share with us their lat­est project.

This is a great way to about what is hap­pen­ing in media arts across north­ern Ontario. Local  media artists have the oppor­tu­nity to net­work through local gatherings/viewing ses­sions in wheel­chair acces­si­ble loca­tions in:

Keno­ra Pub­lic Library: Kee­watin Branch
221 Main St, Kee­watin, ON P0X 1C0

New Liskeard
Temiskam­ing Shores Pub­lic Library: New Liskeard Branch
50 White­wood Ave, New Likskeard, ON P0J 1P0

North Bay
Near North Mobile Media Lab
124 Main St E, North Bay, ON P1B 1A8

Sault Ste. Marie
Sault Ste Marie Pub­lic Library 
50 East St, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 3C3

Sioux Look­out
Sioux Look­out Pub­lic Library
21 5th Ave, Sioux Look­out, ON P8T 1B3

Cine­fest Sud­bury / CION
40 Larch  St, Unit 103, Sud­bury, ON P3E 5M7
Please use the Elgin Street fac­ing entrance

Thun­der Bay
Lake­head University
Con­fer­ence Centre
Con­fer­ence Room A
Cam­pus Map 2016 HIgh­lighted Directional

Please make sure to reg­is­ter before­hand at by let­ting us know if you will attend one of the in per­son ses­sions or by request­ing the web access instruc­tions. If you have any acces­si­bil­ity needs please do let us know in advance so that we can best accom­mo­date you.

Folks you’ll meet:

Ontario Arts Coun­cil Staff
Alana Forslund, North­west­ern Representative
Christi­na Akro­ng, North­ern Arts Officer
Mark Haslam, Media Arts Officer

Ben Donoghue, Director
Adri­ana Rossel­li, Mem­ber­ship & Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Coordinator

Near North Mobile Media Lab Staff
Hol­ly Cun­ning­ham, Exec­u­tive Director
Dig­i­tal Cre­ator Pro­gram Leads