people power projectors documentation

people power projectors

Some pho­tos of the peo­ple pow­er pro­jec­tors instal­la­tions that were part of the Media Art Mat­ters! forum.

peo­ple came togeth­er and planned

MAM projectors: planning

pro­jec­tors were installed around 401 Richmond

MAM projectors: LIFT

using the archi­tec­tural fea­tures of the building

MAM projectors: LIFT

start­ing out­side the front entrance

MAM projectors: LIFT

greet­ed by provoca­tive dia­logue from Reel Asian

MAM projectors: Reel Asian

run­ning The “gaunt­let of pro­jec­tors” from LIFT

MAM projectors: LIFT

fol­low­ing Clive Robertson’s state­ment through the halls

MAM projectors: Clive Robertson

walk­ing through light beams from Plea­sure Dome

MAM projectors: Pleasure Dome

and chanc­ing upon the mes­sage from ImagineNative

MAM projectors: ImagineNative

IFCO puts films on film in the elevator

MAM projectors: IFCO

SAW Video doesn’t take free­dom for granted

MAM projectors: SAW Video

VTape finds beau­ty in their medium

MAM projectors: VTape

the medi­um is the message

MAM projectors: VTape

over 300 peo­ple expe­ri­enced the mes­sages pro­jected by media artists

people power projectors