Toronto’s Summer Media Arts Round-Table

Pre­sented by MANO/RAMO
Wednes­day, July 20 2016
6–8 PM

Tan­gled Art Gallery
401 Rich­mond Street West, Suite S‑122

The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario is call­ing all cul­tural work­ers and artists engaged in the media arts in Toron­to to gath­er for an infor­mal dis­cus­sion and refresh­ments at the new Tan­gled Art Gallery.

We wish to con­nect with Toronto’s media arts com­mu­ni­ty to check-in about new devel­op­ments, chal­lenges, oppor­tu­ni­ties and hap­pen­ings. This is a great chance to share a drink and see each oth­er. Any­thing that is in your minds is up for discussion.

Please rsvp by Tues­day, July 19, to so that we know how much food to order.