November 21- Searching and Finding the Videos of Louise Noguchi

Search­ing and Find­ing the Videos of Louise Noguchi
Part of the Oth­er Places Book Launch Series
Louise Noguchi in person

Thurs­day Novem­ber 21, 6:30pm
Jack­man Hall, 317 Dun­das Street West, Toron­to, ON
Free event

More infor­ma­tion at:

Louise Noguchi, Searchers (2016). Video, 12:52 minutes.

With a prac­tice rang­ing across video, pho­tog­ra­phy, sculp­ture, and instal­la­tion Louise Noguchi has cre­at­ed an expan­sive body of work. Most often pre­sent­ed in the gallery, Louise’s videos pose chal­lenges to cin­e­mat­ic gen­res and dom­i­nant his­tor­i­cal nar­ra­tives. Rang­ing from reflec­tive con­tem­pla­tion to sharp humor her video works con­nect the per­son­al to the social and political.


Crack, 2000, hi‑8, 3:28 minutes 

In the video Crack, Louise Noguchi per­forms as an assis­tant in a wild-west act, hold­ing up flow­ers that even­tu­al­ly will be cut off in mid-air. Each flower in the video is held up with deter­mi­na­tion and appar­ent mas­tery over the sit­u­a­tion, evok­ing notions of death and con­tin­u­ance each time they explode.

Rope Tricks,1998, s‑video,  6:24 minutes 

This work doc­u­ments Noguchi’s per­for­mance of try­ing to las­so objects with a lariat. 

Mark­er, 2010, hd, 28 minutes 

Louise Noguchi trav­els to the shrines of mar­tyred “heroes” from North Amer­i­ca and Japan. At her ances­tral coun­tries’ land­marks, she dis­cov­ers med­i­ta­tive spaces with mount­ing lev­els of vio­lence in their histories.

Searchers, 2016, hd, 12:52 minutes

Sub­vert­ing tropes of the west­ern genre for a new take on the immi­grant expe­ri­ence and col­o­niza­tion, this short film fol­lows tum­ble­weeds through the tun­dra of a Cana­di­an sub­urb as they inter­act with a for­eign land­scape and strange locals.

Louise Noguchi is a visu­al artist based in Toron­to. Her art­work has been exhib­it­ed in Cana­da and inter­na­tion­al­ly, includ­ing exhi­bi­tions at The Pow­er Plant, Toron­to, The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toron­to, The Con­tem­po­rary Art Gallery, Van­cou­ver, Cen­tre A, Van­cou­ver, Neuer Berlin­er Kun­stvere­in, Berlin, Prince Taka­ma­do Gallery, Embassy of Cana­da, Tokyo, and the Deutsches Muse­um, Munich. Noguchi is an artist and a Pro­fes­sor in the Art and Art His­to­ry Pro­gram at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Mis­sis­sauga and Sheri­dan Col­lege. Her work is rep­re­sent­ed by Birch Con­tem­po­rary in Toronto.