Appropriate Appropriation?: An Oxford-Style Pub Debate

Join the Images Fes­ti­val and the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) for a pint and an old-school debate about artis­tic license and appro­pri­a­tion in the open source era. Does the artist have the unlim­ited right to appro­pri­ate the works, words, images of oth­ers in the name of art? Let the debate begin….

Sun­day, April 14, 2pm
Monarch Tav­ern, 12 Clin­ton St.
FREE Admission

Our esteemed pan­el of artists and schol­ars will be mod­er­ated by Jesse
Wente, TIFF’s Head of Film Programmes.

The debaters are:

Richard Fung: video artist, writer, the­o­rist, Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor in the
Inte­grated Media pro­gram at the Ontario Col­lege of Art and Design.

Jane Gillooly: film­maker (Suit­case of Love and Shame screen­ing at
Images Festival).

Mike Hool­boom: film­maker, video artist, writer and critic.

Gabe Klinger: cura­tor, teacher, crit­ic, reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to Cin­ema Scope
and Sight & Sound.

Josh Mabe: film­maker and archivist, co-founder, The Chica­go 8 Small
Gauge Film Fes­ti­val (film To Mark the Shape screen­ing at Images Festival)

Althea Thauberg­er: visu­al artist (video instal­la­tion Marat Sade Bohnice
exhibit­ing at The Pow­er Plant as part of Images Festival).

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it:

Join the Images Fes­ti­val and the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) for a pint and an old-school debate about artis­tic license and appro­pri­a­tion in the open source era. Does the artist have the unlim­ited right to appro­pri­ate the works, words, images of oth­ers in the name of art? Let the debate begin….

Sun­day, April 14, 2pm
Monarch Tav­ern, 12 Clin­ton St.
FREE Admission

Our esteemed pan­el of artists and schol­ars will be mod­er­ated by Jesse Wente, TIFF’s Head of Film Programmes.

The debaters are:

Richard Fung: video artist, writer, the­o­rist, Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor in the
Inte­grated Media pro­gram at the Ontario Col­lege of Art and Design.

Jane Gillooly: film­maker (Suit­case of Love and Shame screen­ing at
Images Festival).

Mike Hool­boom: film­maker, video artist, writer and critic.

Gabe Klinger: cura­tor, teacher, crit­ic, reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to Cin­ema Scope
and Sight & Sound.

Josh Mabe: film­maker and archivist, co-founder, The Chica­go 8 Small
Gauge Film Fes­ti­val (film To Mark the Shape screen­ing at Images Festival)

Althea Thauberg­er: visu­al artist (video instal­la­tion Marat Sade Bohnice
exhibit­ing at The Pow­er Plant as part of Images Festival).

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it: