May 19 — Sustaining Collectives and Emerging Organizations in the Arts

As part of an ongo­ing series of dis­cus­sions respond­ing to the needs of arts groups in the COVID-19 cri­sis the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario part­nered with Crit­i­cal Dis­tance Cen­tre for Cura­tors to host con­ver­sa­tions with emerg­ing arts orga­ni­za­tions and col­lec­tives. This open let­ter pro­pos­es a pro­gram to address one of the core issues iden­ti­fied […] Read More

Statement of Solidarity – On the Payment of Artists

Since mid-March 2020 MANO has been meet­ing with mem­ber orga­ni­za­tions and media arts groups from across Cana­da to dis­cuss the impacts of the COVID-19 cri­sis. This work includes numer­ous sub-com­mit­tees and affin­i­ty groups address­ing spe­cif­ic issues, the clar­i­fi­ca­tion of pay scales for the dis­sem­i­na­tion of artists work online has been one group. This state­ment of sol­i­dar­i­ty […] Read More

Call for Proposals – Documenting Cuts

Dead­line: Mon­day July 29th, 2019 The Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) is call­ing for pro­pos­als from Ontario artists for a com­mis­sion of short video works for online dis­sem­i­na­tion. These short videos will look at the impacts of provin­cial gov­ern­ment cuts to var­i­ous sec­tors in Ontario such as arts and cul­ture, legal aid, or edu­ca­tion. These […] Read More

ODSP and Arts Grants Questionnaire

ODSP Action Coali­tion, Media Arts Net­work Of Ontario, Work­man Arts, ACTRA Toron­to, and Tan­gled Art + Disability ODSP and Arts Grants Questionnaire Are you an artist and a recip­i­ent of ODSP? We need your help!  The ODSP Action Coali­tion, Media Arts Net­work Of Ontario, Work­man Arts, ACTRA Toron­to, and Tan­gled Art + Dis­abil­i­ty are work­ing togeth­er […] Read More

Cultural Platforms and Responses to Questions from MANO/RAMO Regarding the June 12, 2014 Ontario Election

On May 8, 2014 MANO/RAMO sent a let­ter request­ing details from four par­ties run­ning in the upcom­ing Ontario elec­tion. Respons­es were received from the Ontario Lib­eral Par­ty, the Ontario NDP, and the Ontario PC Par­ty; the Green Par­ty of Ontario did not respond. Below are the ques­tions sent to each par­ty. The let­ters are attached: Let­ter […] Read More