As a partner in the ODSP and Arts Grants Coalition MANO is pleased to announce a recent change to the rules in the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) will be a huge step forward for artists in Ontario who get benefits from these income support programs and receive arts grants.
On December 13, 2017, the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) announced that, effective that day, arts grants are exempt as income and assets in both ODSP and OW. This means that artists who are on OW or ODSP and receive an arts grant will no longer have the money deducted from their monthly benefits, and will not have to risk becoming ineligible for continuing support from these programs. This important change will give artists on ODSP or OW the ability to pursue the creation of their art without fear of losing their monthly income and the health and other benefits that ODSP and OW provide. It will also reduce the huge administrative burden that artists previously faced with reporting the funds to ODSP or OW.
Please see HERE for the full information bulletin and please circulate to your memberships.