Creating Human Resources Policies: An Interactive Workshop & Webinar

Thurs­day, June 27th
Ontario Arts Council
151 Bloor St. West, 6th Floor, Board Room


MANO/RAMO presents a com­pre­hen­sive work­shop on devel­op­ing a HR best prac­tices and pol­icy for non-prof­it and artist-run cen­tres.  This will be a dis­cus­sion-based work­shop led by Images Fes­ti­val Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Scott Berry and Images Board Mem­ber Jime­na Ortuzar, who will share Images new HR Pol­icy and dis­cuss the following:

  • Devel­op­ing bal­anced leave poli­cies that address the needs of staff while work­ing with­in bud­get con­straints, includ­ing: parental, self-fund­ed, sick, and pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment leaves.
  • Poli­cies vs Prac­tices: keep­ing up with cur­rent job descrip­tions, con­tracts, per­for­mance eval­u­a­tions, exit inter­views, suc­ces­sion planning.
  • Pay­ing a Liv­ing Wage: how are artist-run cen­tres far­ing in terms of salaries in the non-prof­it sector?
  • Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion: what recours­es are in place for employ­ees and employ­ers in con­flict situations?
  • The Role of the HR Committee

This is FREE work­shop but space is lim­ited.  Please reg­is­ter at: OR con­tact

Webi­nar info will be sent to reg­is­trants clos­er to the date.