March 6 — Thunder Bay MANO/OAC Media Arts Discussion

In this infor­mal dis­cus­sion the Media Arts Net­work of Ontario and Ontario Arts Coun­cil will cov­er fund­ing pro­grams, col­lec­tive and orga­ni­za­tion build­ing, changes to the field, and the peren­ni­al ques­tion, “what is media art?” Let us know what the region needs and what you’ve experienced.

Please join us for a free dis­cus­sion with Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO), and Ontario Arts Coun­cil in Thun­der Bay.

When: Tues­day March 6th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Doors open at 5:45.
Where: Mag­nus The­atre Lob­by, 10 Algo­ma St. S.

RSVP’s are appre­ci­at­ed but not manda­to­ry. Reply to or 807–632-4575.
Light refresh­ments will be available.

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives in attendance:
Ben Donoghue, Direc­tor, Media Arts Net­work of Ontario
Mark Haslam, OAC Media Arts Officer
Alana Forslund, OAC North­west­ern Representative

Please note, fund­ing may be avail­able to sup­port gas for those trav­el­ling from more than 50 km away from Thun­der Bay. Please con­tact or call 807–632-4575 for more information.

Ses­sion will be deliv­ered in Eng­lish only. For sup­port in French, please con­tact Clelia Far­ru­gia with the Ontario Arts Council’s Fran­coph­o­ne sec­tion: 1–800-387‑0058 ext. 7427;