May 26 — Co-presentation with Images Festival

We are excit­ed to co-present the pro­gram the sub­ject shines at the 2021 Images Fes­ti­val! This year, Images Fes­ti­val is FREE online via live-stream at from May 20–26, 2021.

the sub­ject shines fea­tures works by Chloé Gal­ib­ert-Laîné and Chris Kennedy. The pro­gram will screen on Wednes­day, May 26th at 6:00 PM EDT with a Q & A to fol­low with the artists. Co-pre­sent­ed with Le Labo, MANO/RAMO, Queen’s Uni­ver­si­ty, and Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Films on Art (FIFA).