May 27 to June 6 — Co-presentation with InsideOut 

We are excit­ed to co-present the screen­ing of the “I Know You Were Trou­ble” shorts pro­gram at Inside Out LGBT Film Fes­ti­val. The Fes­ti­val will be tak­ing place from May 27 to June 6, 2021. Get your tick­ets and learn more at

These are the five shorts in the program:

Moth by Rox­anne Gaucherand

Every sum­mer a huge swarm of moths invades the Drôme region of south­east­ern France. Against this back­ground of a loom­ing, almost bib­li­cal plague, Lou has fall­en in love with her child­hood friend, Sam.

Spring/Autumn by Ghasideh Golmakani

An Iran­ian woman leaves her hus­band and trav­els to Rus­sia. Mem­o­ries of her World Cup trip come up, as well as an uncom­fort­able secret.

Tape by Mir­jam Thorkelsdottir

Sara and Cecilie’s friend­ship takes a turn when, after a night of par­ty­ing togeth­er, they both black­out and con­fes­sions are made.

From A to Q by Emmalie El Fadli

Alex wakes sud­den­ly from a dream where she’s inti­mate with Kay­la. The only prob­lem is, Kay­la hap­pens to be Alex’s best friend and Alex has nev­er been with a girl before.

Cocoon Love by Xiaowen Wang

A teenag­er liv­ing with her grand­par­ents ques­tions her sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion when she starts bond­ing with a classmate.