TSV is an artist-run cen­tre that pro­vides inde­pen­dent artists and arts/community orga­ni­za­tions with video production/postproduction sup­port and ser­vices at acces­si­ble rates. Here since 1971, TSV is an impor­tant part of the media arts com­mu­nity and is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a broad spec­trum of ser­vices relat­ed to video: work­shops, screen­ings, exhi­bi­tions, artist res­i­den­cies artist talks and fes­ti­val part­ner­ships. Mem­bers at TSV approach video in a mul­ti­tude of ways and their work screens at fes­ti­vals, in gal­leries, on the web and any oth­er place where equal­ly inter­est­ing things are happening. www.trinitysquarevideo.com