A Space Gallery

A Space exhibits mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary con­tem­po­rary art that engages social cri­tique. We are inter­est­ed in how artists and cura­tors can cre­ate a space for dif­fer­ent read­ings or expe­ri­ences of cul­ture, and in mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary projects that cre­ate a forum for dia­logue and col­lab­o­ra­tion between com­mu­ni­ties. A Space is com­mit­ted to fos­ter­ing dis­course around polit­i­cal­ly engaged work, issue-based […] Read More

aluCine Toronto Latin Film + Media Arts Festival

alu­Cine is orga­nized by South­ern Cur­rents / Cor­ri­entes del Sur, a Toron­to-based, non-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to the devel­op­ment and pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tem­po­rary media art by local artists of Latin Amer­i­can her­itage; the pre­sen­ta­tion of inter­na­tional Lati­no works in Cana­da; and the pre­sen­ta­tion of Cana­dian works in Latin Amer­ica and else­where since 1992. After 12 years, alu­Cine […] Read More

Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival

The man­date of the Asin­abka Fes­ti­val is to present an annu­al Indige­nous film & media arts fes­ti­val in the nations cap­i­tal that allows inde­pen­dent artists, nation­al, inter­na­tional, Indige­nous, non-Indige­nous, to share, present, and dis­sem­i­nate their work. The Asin­abka Fes­ti­val aims to high­light works that exam­ine Indige­nous issues and top­ics; to sup­port media-artists and film­mak­ers; to pro­mote […] Read More

Belleville Downtown DocFest

Belleville Down­town DocFest Inter­na­tion­al Doc­u­men­tary Film Fes­ti­val  — 50 doc­u­men­taries to move & inspire you. Three days of out­stand­ing films that cel­e­brate life and human dig­ni­ty around the world and right here at home.  Held on the first week­end in March, the fes­ti­val seeks to pro­mote aware­ness of cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal con­se­quences and to […] Read More

Canadian Film Institute

The Cana­di­an Film Insti­tute (CFI) was incor­po­rat­ed in 1935 as a fed­er­al­ly-char­tered, non-gov­ern­men­tal, non-prof­it cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tion. It is the old­est film insti­tu­tion in Cana­da and the sec­ond old­est film insti­tute in the world. The CFI’s man­date is to encour­age and pro­mote the pro­duc­tion, dif­fu­sion, study, appre­ci­a­tion, and use of mov­ing images for cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es […] Read More

Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC)

Cana­dian Film­mak­ers Dis­tri­b­u­tion Cen­tre is Canada’s fore­most non-com­mer­cial dis­trib­u­tor and resource for inde­pen­dently pro­duced film and time-based art. We rep­re­sent approx­i­mately 850 film­mak­ers world­wide and over 2,700 titles. CFMDC’s col­lec­tion is diverse, rang­ing from the 1950s to the present, and con­tains some of Canada’s most orig­i­nal and well-respect­ed works of art on film. www.cfmdc.org Read More

Charles Street Video

Charles Street Video’s man­date is to fur­ther a rig­or­ous, diverse media arts prac­tice by pro­vid­ing artists with afford­able access to video and dig­i­tal media pro­duc­tion/­post-pro­duc­tion tools, and offer­ing cre­ation oppor­tu­ni­ties such as res­i­den­cies, com­mis­sions and youth pro­grams. Our fur­ther goals are to con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of emerg­ing artists through schol­ar­ships, to pro­vide tech­ni­cal sup­port […] Read More

Colectivo Toronto

Colec­ti­vo Toron­to is ded­i­cat­ed to the devel­op­ment and pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tem­po­rary art. We work in col­lab­o­ra­tion with oth­er col­lec­tives, artist-run cen­tres, gal­leries and art orga­ni­za­tions. This col­lab­o­ra­tive process allows us to fos­ter impor­tant ties with the main­stream and the alter­na­tive art community. www.colectivotoronto.ca Read More

Creative Industries North Bay

Cre­ative Indus­tries North Bay Inc. is a not-for-prof­it art ser­vice orga­ni­za­tion serv­ing North Bay and Nipiss­ing area. Man­date: Cre­ative Indus­tries sup­ports, con­nects and pro­motes the cre­ative sec­tor to fos­ter a pro­gres­sive, pros­per­ous community. Vision: Every com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber sees the cre­ative sec­tor as a vital part of North Bay, Nipiss­ings’ iden­ti­ty and prosperity. Pil­lars: Cre­ative Indus­tries has 4 pil­lars […] Read More

Critical Distance Centre for Curators

Part gallery and pub­lish­er, part pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­a­tion and net­work, CDCC exists to: pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties and resources to cura­tors and artists for the pro­duc­tion of exhi­bi­tions and projects with­in a crit­i­cal frame­work; fos­ter cura­to­r­i­al com­mu­ni­ty and dis­course at all lev­els of pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment; pro­mote edu­ca­tion, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and best prac­tices in curat­ing and exhi­bi­tion-mak­ing; and more. With a focus on crit­i­cal­ly engaged, […] Read More


Digi60 is a grass-roots, vol­un­teer dri­ven, reg­is­tered not-for-prof­it cor­po­ra­tion run by film­mak­ers, for film­mak­ers. Our vision is to help build a com­mu­ni­ty of Ottawa film­mak­ers who cre­ate, fos­ter, and sup­port inde­pen­dent, sus­tain­able, local film­mak­ing. Digi60’s man­date is to pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties for new and emerg­ing film­mak­ers to Cre­ate and Learn, Expand their Net­work, and Mul­ti­ply their […] Read More

Digital Arts Resource Centre

  Dig­i­tal Arts Resource Cen­tre (for­mer­ly SAW Video) is a not-for-prof­it, artist-run media art cen­tre that fos­ters the growth and devel­op­ment of artists through access to equip­ment, train­ing, men­tor­ship, and pro­gram­ming. Our mis­sion is to sup­port a diverse com­mu­ni­ty of media artists empow­ered by tech­nol­o­gy, pro­gram­ming and the exchange of ideas. Our core prin­ci­ples are inde­pen­dence […] Read More

Ed Video Media Arts Centre

Ed Video exists to insti­gate and enable the cre­ation and exhi­bi­tion of inde­pen­dent media arts. Any­one can become a mem­ber, take work­shops, rent equip­ment, or take part in our events. Since 1976, Ed Video has helped mem­bers cre­ate video-based projects that rep­re­sent the diver­sity, spir­it and view­points of the peo­ple in our region. We achieve […] Read More

Factory Media Centre

The Fac­tory Media Cen­tre is a not-for-prof­it artist-dri­ven resource cen­tre ded­i­cated to the pro­duc­tion and pro­mo­tion of cre­atively diverse forms of inde­pen­dent films, videos, and oth­er stream­ing mul­ti­me­dia art forms. http://factorymediacentre.ca/ Read More

Female Eye Film Festival

The Female Eye Film Fes­ti­val (FeFF) – “Always hon­est, not always pret­ty” – was found­ed in 2001. FeFF is an annu­al com­pet­i­tive inde­pen­dent film fes­ti­val that pro­vides an exclu­sive show­case for Cana­di­an and inter­na­tion­al women film­mak­ers. It pays trib­ute to the best and most cre­ative in inde­pen­dent film and serves to bridge the gap between […] Read More

Flash Frame Film & Video Network

Flash Frame is a not-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to the advance­ment of film and video pro­duc­tion in North­west­ern Ontario. Found­ed in Jan­u­ary 2001, it has an open door pol­i­cy for any­one in the com­mu­ni­ty who may wish to join. Mem­bers range from pro­fes­sion­al pro­duc­ers and direc­tors to film stu­dents and those with a casu­al inter­est in […] Read More

Gallery 101

Gallery 101 hon­ours and respects the orig­i­nal peo­ple of the ter­ri­to­ry we cur­rent­ly occu­py: unced­ed and unsur­ren­dered Anish­naabe-Aki who have been liv­ing and work­ing on this land since time immemorial. Locat­ed in Ottawa, Ontario, Gallery 101 is a non-prof­it artist-run cen­tre with char­i­ta­ble sta­tus ded­i­cat­ed to the pro­fes­sion­al pre­sen­ta­tion and cir­cu­la­tion of visu­al and media […] Read More

Gallery 44

Gallery 44 was found­ed in 1979 to estab­lish a cre­ative, sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment in which pho­tog­ra­phy could flour­ish. The artist-run cen­tre now con­sists of an art gallery, a resource cen­tre, and an afford­able dark­room and pro­duc­tion facil­ity for artis­tic cre­ation and work­shop programs. gallery44.org Read More

Gallery TPW

Gallery TPW is a not-for-prof­it, artist-run cen­tre ded­i­cat­ed to the pre­sen­ta­tion and crit­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion of con­tem­po­rary still and time-based images, explor­ing the exchange between pho­tog­ra­phy, film and video. Through a diverse pro­gram of exhi­bi­tions, screen­ings, per­for­mance, new crit­i­cal writ­ing and unique pub­lic pro­grams, TPW is dis­tinc­tive in expand­ing an aware­ness of the vital role that images play in […] Read More

Game Arts International Network (GAIN)

The Game Arts Inter­na­tion­al Net­work (GAIN) is a reg­is­tered not-for-prof­it focused on inter­con­nect­ing exist­ing game arts orga­ni­za­tions and nur­tur­ing new struc­tures in emerg­ing regions. As games are increas­ing­ly rec­og­nized for their cul­tur­al val­ue, local col­lec­tives and orga­ni­za­tions with a focus on games as a form of cre­ative expres­sion have begun to emerge all over the […] Read More

Gamma Space Collaborative Studio

  Gam­ma Space Col­lab­o­ra­tive Stu­dio is a non­prof­it cowork­ing space and shared resource hub for any­one work­ing in — and exper­i­ment­ing with — games and inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal media. www.gammaspace.ca   Read More

Guelph Film Festival

The Guelph Film Fes­ti­val is a doc­u­men­tary film fes­ti­val ded­i­cat­ed to expand­ing the pro­lif­er­a­tion of  voic­es and per­spec­tives of all kinds through the pre­sen­ta­tion of sto­ries that explore themes of social jus­tice, the envi­ron­ment, and com­mu­ni­ty building. We are seri­ous about pro­mot­ing gen­der par­i­ty and diver­si­ty in the film indus­try and every deci­sion we make […] Read More

Hamilton Artists Inc.

As an artist-run cen­tre, empow­ers artists of all career lev­els to take risks with their con­tem­po­rary visu­al arts prac­tices and present their work in a crit­i­cal con­text. Our exhi­bi­tions, pub­li­ca­tions, and spe­cial projects offer edu­ca­tion and men­tor­ship, facil­i­tate region­al and nation­al dia­logue, and encour­age col­lab­o­ra­tion, con­ver­sa­tion, and crit­i­cal inquiry. Our pro­grams are free and open […] Read More

Images Festival

Images Fes­ti­val is the largest fes­ti­val in North Amer­ica for exper­i­men­tal and inde­pen­dent mov­ing image cul­ture, show­cas­ing the inno­v­a­tive edge of inter­na­tional con­tem­po­rary media art both on and off the screen through film, video, instal­la­tion, music and per­for­mance. From Super‑8 and hand-tint­ed cel­lu­loid to the lat­est video art, Images has pre­sented thou­sands of films and […] Read More

imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

imag­i­ne­NA­TIVE is the world’s largest pre­sen­ter of Indige­nous screen con­tent. The organ­i­sa­tion is recog­nised local­ly, nation­al­ly, and inter­na­tion­al­ly for excel­lence and inno­va­tion in pro­gram­ming and as the glob­al cen­tre for Indige­nous media arts. imag­i­ne­NA­TIVE (legal enti­ty: The Cen­tre for Abo­rig­i­nal Media) is a reg­is­tered char­i­ty com­mit­ted to cre­at­ing a greater under­stand­ing of Indige­nous peo­ples and […] Read More

Inside Out 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival

Inside Out is a not-for-prof­it reg­is­tered char­i­ty that exists to chal­lenge atti­tudes and change lives through the pro­mo­tion, pro­duc­tion and exhi­bi­tion of film made by and about 2SLGBTQ+ peo­ple of all ages, races and abilities. For more than three decades, Inside Out has brought Toron­to’s 2SLGBTQ+ com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er in cel­e­bra­tion of the best queer film […] Read More

Inter Arts Matrix

Inter Arts Matrix fos­ters the devel­op­ment of works in which the var­i­ous artis­tic dis­ci­plines are not sim­ply set besides each oth­er, but inter­min­gle and influ­ence each oth­er, cre­at­ing new forms of expres­sion in the process. Whether a film, an exhi­bi­tion or instal­la­tion, a con­cert, a the­atre per­for­mance, an opera or a work of art cre­at­ed […] Read More


Inter­Ac­cess is Ontario’s only gallery and pro­duc­tion facil­ity devot­ed exclu­sively to elec­tronic media art. Our mis­sion is to expand the cul­tural space of tech­nol­ogy and to sup­port the full  cycle of artis­tic prac­tice in elec­tronic media art. We reach out to our mem­bers and pub­lic through our diverse pro­gram­ming, includ­ing work­shops, talks, screen­ings, exhi­bi­tions, Open Stu­dios, and […] Read More

Le Labo

Found­ed in 2004 in Toron­to, Le Labo’s man­date is to pro­duce and pro­mote fran­coph­one media art and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary projects. Stu­dio ded­i­cated to research and pro­duc­tion, Le Labo’s pro­gram­ming includes res­i­den­cies, exhibitions/ instal­la­tions, work­shops and con­fer­ences. Le Labo is also com­mit­ted in pro­vid­ing numer­ous activ­i­ties to the com­mu­nity and the younger gen­er­a­tion such as youth work­shops […] Read More

Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)

The Liai­son of Inde­pen­dent Film­mak­ers of Toron­to (LIFT) is an artist-run char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cated to facil­i­tat­ing excel­lence in the mov­ing image through media arts edu­ca­tion and pro­duc­tion resources. LIFT exists to pro­vide sup­port and encour­age­ment for inde­pen­dent film­mak­ers and artists through afford­able access to pro­duc­tion, post-pro­duc­tion and exhi­bi­tion equip­ment; pro­fes­sional and cre­ative devel­op­ment; work­shops and […] Read More

Lightproof Film Collective

The Light­proof Film Col­lec­tive was formed in ear­ly 2020 with the man­date to encour­age exper­i­men­tal film prac­tices in Ottawa through the cre­ation and pre­sen­ta­tion of works on film stock. The col­lec­tive con­sists of sev­en prac­tic­ing film­mak­ers. In com­ing togeth­er as a col­lec­tive, we seek to fos­ter com­mu­ni­ty, exchange knowl­edge, and observe the large­ly invis­i­ble prac­tice […] Read More

London Ontario Media Arts Association (LOMAA)

Estab­lished in 2012, LOMAA is an emerg­ing, enthu­si­as­tic and devot­ed non-prof­it artist-run col­lec­tive that fos­ters col­lab­o­ra­tion, inves­ti­ga­tion and inno­va­tion by tap­ping into the tal­ent and serv­ing the needs of media artists in the Lon­don region. We help to sup­port and pro­gram cre­ative part­ner­ships between film­mak­ers, pho­tog­ra­phers, sound artists, musi­cians, engi­neers, and sci­en­tists, among oth­ers. Our […] Read More

Media City Film Festival

Media City is an annu­al inter­na­tional fes­ti­val of film and video art pre­sented in Wind­sor, ON and Detroit, MI since 1994. Each year the fes­ti­val show­cases approx­i­mately 75 new films and videos in all gauges and for­mats in its Inter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion Series. Media City also hosts ret­ro­spec­tive pro­grams, LIVE per­for­mances, res­i­den­cies, and work­shops with vis­it­ing […] Read More

Near North Mobile Media Lab (N2M2L)

The Near North Mobile Media Lab (N2M2L) is an arts col­lec­tive man­dated to pro­vide sup­port to the media arts com­mu­nity in our region of North­ern Ontario. We pro­vide access to media arts edu­ca­tion, oppor­tu­ni­ties for media arts dis­sem­i­na­tion, and sup­port to a com­mu­nity of emerg­ing and prac­tic­ing media artists. N2M2L facil­i­tates edu­ca­tional work­shops, presents exhi­bi­tions, […] Read More

New Adventures in Sound Art

New Adven­tures in Sound Art (NAISA) is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion, for­mer­ly based in Toron­to, that presents per­for­mances and instal­la­tions span­ning the entire spec­trum of elec­troa­coustic and exper­i­men­tal sound art. NAISA has been oper­at­ing the NAISA North Media Arts Cen­tre since 2017, locat­ed in the cen­tre of the vil­lage of South Riv­er at 106 Ottawa Ave., a short dis­tance from Algo­nquin Park, at […] Read More

Open Studio

  Open Stu­dio was found­ed in 1970 as an Artist-Run Cen­tre ded­i­cat­ed to con­tem­po­rary print­mak­ing. We pro­vide acces­si­ble, inclu­sive, and afford­able facil­i­ties, pro­grams, and ser­vices for artists and the pub­lic from across Cana­da and abroad. Our pri­ma­ry goal is to sup­port artists in cre­at­ing and exhibit­ing con­tem­po­rary prints with­in an open-mind­ed, safe, and col­lab­o­ra­tive environment. […] Read More

Planet in Focus Environmental Film Festival

Plan­et in Focus is Canada’s lead­ing not-for-prof­it envi­ron­men­tal film orga­ni­za­tion. Since 1999, Plan­et in Focus has played a sig­nif­i­cant role in help­ing to raise aware­ness about the state of our plan­et using the pow­er of film. As the pro­ducer of Canada’s largest and longest run­ning envi­ron­men­tal film fes­ti­val, Plan­et in Focus show­cases a wide range […] Read More

Pleasure Dome

Plea­sure Dome is an exhi­bi­tion col­lec­tive ded­i­cat­ed t the pre­sen­ta­tion o artists’ mov­ing images. Since the fall of 1989, Plea­sure Dome has pre­sent­ed diverse exper­i­men­tal media arts, as such we strive to nur­ture an appre­ci­a­tion for artists’ mov­ing images in ways which are acces­si­ble, engag­ing and chal­leng­ing, and bal­ance our exhi­bi­tion pri­or­i­ties to include: cur­rent […] Read More

Quinte Film Alternative (QFA)

The Quinte Film Alter­na­tive (QFA) Great Movie Wednes­days! offer Quinte res­i­dents the oppor­tu­nity to see first-rate, first-run films that wouldn’t oth­er­wise light up the movie screens in this area. The Quinte Film Alter­na­tive is a not-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion run by a hand­ful of vol­un­teers on behalf of all film lovers.  Every­one is welcome. www.quintefilmalternative.ca Read More

re:assemblage collective

re:assemblage col­lec­tive: since 2016 this col­lec­tive has been com­mit­ted to cham­pi­oning under­rep­re­sent­ed voic­es and per­spec­tives through pub­lic film/video screen­ings. We are itin­er­ant and inten­tion­al. We are “reassem­bling” assump­tions about artist film/video prac­tices: who is shown and the forms of works cham­pi­oned. In 2022 we start­ed a new non-fic­tion film fes­ti­val called DIFFUSION sched­uled to take place August […] Read More

Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival

Reelout exists to cel­e­brate queer media arts and to con­tribute to com­mu­nity vital­ity by pro­gram­ming mate­ri­als that focus on issues of sex­u­al­ity, race, cul­ture, reli­gion, class, gen­der, abil­ity, health and age, there­by pur­pose­fully draw­ing togeth­er and ini­ti­at­ing chal­leng­ing dia­logue among dis­parate mem­bers of the queer com­mu­ni­ties in Kingston and the sur­round­ing area as well as […] Read More

Regent Park Film Festival

The Regent Park Film Fes­ti­val is Toronto’s only free-of-charge com­mu­nity film fes­ti­val, ded­i­cated to show­cas­ing local and inter­na­tional inde­pen­dent works rel­e­vant to inner-city com­mu­ni­ties like Regent Park, the largest and old­est pub­lic hous­ing project in Canada. The Festival’s prin­ci­pal activ­ity is to orga­nize an annu­al fes­ti­val along with year-round school and com­mu­nity screen­ings, pan­el dis­cus­sions, per­for­mances […] Read More

Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival

Ren­dezvous with Mad­ness is the first and largest men­tal health fes­ti­val in the world. The fes­ti­val presents local, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al work explor­ing themes of men­tal health and addic­tion issues each October. Ren­dezvous was found­ed in 1993 and is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary event that includes visu­al art, per­for­mance, music, the­atre and dance in addi­tion to its […] Read More

SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Centre)

SAVAC (South Asian Visu­al Arts Cen­tre) is an artist-run cen­tre ded­i­cated to the devel­op­ment and pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tem­po­rary visu­al and media art by South Asian artists. Our mis­sion is to pro­duce inno­v­a­tive pro­grams that explore issues and ideas shap­ing South Asian iden­ti­ties and expe­ri­ences. We encour­age work that is chal­leng­ing, exper­i­men­tal, and engaged in crit­i­cal dis­cus­sion […] Read More

The 8 Fest: Small-Gauge Film Festival

The 8 Fest was ini­ti­ated four years ago under the ban­ner of — the 8 fest: Small-Gauge film Fes­ti­val: Super 8/ 8 mm. – 9.5 mm / Loops, zoetropes & their kin and “a lit­tle fes­ti­val for small films”. Small-gauge film refers to 8mm, Super‑8 and relat­ed film for­mats. Orig­i­nally intro­duced for ama­teur use, small-gauge […] Read More

The Hand Eye Society

The Hand Eye Soci­ety is a Toron­to not-for-prof­it ded­i­cated to sup­port­ing and show­cas­ing videogames made pri­mar­ily as a form of cre­ative expres­sion. We pro­vide audi­ence devel­op­ment, edu­ca­tion, cre­ative oppor­tu­ni­ties, men­tor­ship, knowl­edge shar­ing and inspi­ra­tion to game cre­ators, enthu­si­asts, and the game-curi­ous in Toron­to. Found­ed in 2009, it is the first videogame arts orga­ni­za­tion in the world. […] Read More

Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS)

The Toron­to Ani­mated Image Soci­ety is a non-prof­it, artist-run cen­tre that explores and pro­motes the art of ani­ma­tion and sup­ports ani­ma­tors as artists. Over the past 25 years, TAIS has encour­aged the exchange of infor­ma­tion, facil­i­ties, ideas and aes­thet­ics with­in Toronto’s ani­ma­tion com­mu­nity through work­shops, screen­ings, art exhibits, com­mis­sion­ing projects and by pro­vid­ing afford­able access […] Read More

Toronto Comic Arts Festival

The Toron­to Com­ic Arts Fes­ti­val (TCAF) exists to pro­mote the breadth and diver­si­ty of comics, and what is con­sid­ered comics, as legit­i­mate medi­um of lit­er­ary and artis­tic worth. We seek to pro­mote the cre­ators of these works in their broad and diverse voic­es, for the bet­ter­ment of the medi­um of comics and to reach as […] Read More

Toronto Jewish Film Festival

The Toron­to Jew­ish Film Fes­ti­val (TJFF) is the largest Jew­ish-con­test film fes­ti­val of over 100 world­wide.  TJFF presents the best fea­ture film, doc­u­men­taries and shorts from Cana­da and around the world on themes of Jew­ish cul­ture and iden­tity.  TJFF hosts an 11-day spring Fes­ti­val, as well as offer­ing year-round film screen­ings and events. www.tjff.com Read More

Toronto Outdoor Picture Show

Toron­to Out­door Pic­ture Show (TOPS) is a char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing high qual­i­ty, acces­si­ble, diverse, and engag­ing out­door film pro­gram­ming to com­mu­ni­ties across the city of Toron­to. Christie Pits Film Fes­ti­val (CPFF) is its sig­na­ture project, and Toronto’s largest pub­lic out­door film festival. TOpictureshow.com Read More

Toronto Queer Film Festival

The Toron­to Queer Film Fes­ti­val show­cas­es con­tem­po­rary, inno­v­a­tive, queer and trans film and video art. We are espe­cial­ly inter­est­ed in sup­port­ing for­mal­ly exper­i­men­tal films and/or social jus­tice themed projects that cen­ter the expe­ri­ences of Indige­nous peo­ple, peo­ple of col­or, peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties, trans­gen­der peo­ple, sex work­ers, porn mak­ers, and oth­er com­mu­ni­ties often mar­gin­al­ized in con­tem­po­rary […] Read More

Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival

The Toron­to Reel Asian Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val is a unique show­case of con­tem­po­rary Asian cin­ema and work from the Asian dias­pora, fuel­ing the grow­ing appre­ci­a­tion for Asian cin­ema in Cana­da. Reel Asian pro­duces an annu­al pub­lic film and video fes­ti­val for the pur­poses of edu­cat­ing and advanc­ing the public’s under­stand­ing and appre­ci­a­tion of the his­tor­i­cal, […] Read More

Trinity Square Video

TSV is an artist-run cen­tre that pro­vides inde­pen­dent artists and arts/community orga­ni­za­tions with video production/postproduction sup­port and ser­vices at acces­si­ble rates. Here since 1971, TSV is an impor­tant part of the media arts com­mu­nity and is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a broad spec­trum of ser­vices relat­ed to video: work­shops, screen­ings, exhi­bi­tions, artist res­i­den­cies artist talks and […] Read More


Vibra­Fu­sion­Lab is an inter­ac­tive cre­ative media stu­dio that pro­motes and encour­ages the cre­ation of new acces­si­ble art forms, includ­ing the vibro­tac­tile. The Lab inves­ti­gate the poten­tial of vibra­tion as a form of inclu­sive artis­tic expres­sion for artists and arts pre­sen­ters and to inves­ti­gate new expe­ri­ences of sen­so­ry acces­si­bil­i­ty for par­tic­i­pants and audi­ences of all abil­i­ties. […] Read More


Estab­lished in 1980, Vtape is a not-for-prof­it infor­ma­tion resource cen­tre and dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem for video art. Born from a love of video art,as a spe­cial­ized dis­trib­u­tor, Vtape has become a leader in media art exhi­bi­tion, restora­tion, and migra­tion. Vtape makes its excep­tional col­lec­tion of con­tem­po­rary video art­works acces­si­ble to a client base of edu­ca­tors, cura­tors, […] Read More


VUCAVU is a nation­al film and video dig­i­tal dis­tri­b­u­tion plat­form rep­re­sent­ing the col­lec­tions of eight Cana­dian dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners whose com­bined hold­ings total  approx­i­mately 14,000 works span­ning 45 years. VUCAVU helps the work of Cana­dian film­mak­ers and video artists be seen by the world. VUCAVU.com  Read More

White Water Gallery

White Water Gallery is a not-for-prof­it artist-run cen­tre com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing artis­tic prac­tices that are inno­v­a­tive and rel­e­vant. Under­stand­ing the need to advance the pub­lic’s thresh­old for view­ing con­tem­po­rary art, the gallery encour­ages out­reach pro­gram­ming that pro­motes acces­si­bil­i­ty and shared knowledge. whitewatergallery.com Read More

YYZ Artists Outlet

YYZ sup­ports crit­i­cal and exper­i­men­tal artis­tic prac­tices through exhi­bi­tions, pub­lish­ing, edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams, and the com­mis­sion­ing of new works. By pri­or­i­tiz­ing the agency of artists, YYZ pro­vides a unique plat­form for build­ing com­mu­ni­ties and advance­ment of culture. http://www.yyzartistsoutlet.org/ Read More