Regent Park Film Festival

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The Regent Park Film Fes­ti­val is Toronto’s only free-of-charge com­mu­nity film fes­ti­val, ded­i­cated to show­cas­ing local and inter­na­tional inde­pen­dent works rel­e­vant to inner-city com­mu­ni­ties like Regent Park, the largest and old­est pub­lic hous­ing project in Canada.

The Festival’s prin­ci­pal activ­ity is to orga­nize an annu­al fes­ti­val along with year-round school and com­mu­nity screen­ings, pan­el dis­cus­sions, per­for­mances and film/video work­shops at no cost. We aims to reach iso­lated com­mu­ni­ties through­out Regent Park and beyond, pro­vid­ing a forum for peo­ple from all walks of life to engage in crit­i­cal dia­logue on social issues and to enjoy films from all over the world.