TourNet at Media Arts Connect


We’re excit­ed to announce our first pub­lic launch event for Tour­Net, co-pre­sent­ed with IMAA!

Join us for a Media Arts Con­nect Dis­cord ses­sion on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 29 at 1:30 pm. You’ll get a tour of Tour­Net and a walk­through of the sign up process. Click here for instruc­tions on how to con­nect to the MAC Dis­cord server.

If you can’t make the Dis­cord ses­sion, you can also read the new Tour­Net entry in the Inter­Con­nect com­mu­ni­ty note­book Dig­i­tal Ini­tia­tives in the Broad Visu­al and Media Arts Sec­tor. While you’re there, be sure to check out some of the oth­er projects too!

We’ll have more Tour­Net events to announce in March and April, so watch this space for updates.