April 28 — Production Organizations: COVID-19 Challenges and Options

Host­ed by Media Arts Net­work of Ontario (MANO) and the Inde­pen­dent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA)

Tues­day April 28, 1:00 PM ET – 2:30 PM ET

In the weeks since the nation­al shut­down has closed pro­duc­tion cen­tres and post­poned all types of artis­tic cre­ation across Cana­da media arts pro­duc­tion cen­tres have begun to eval­u­ate their options for when and how to safe­ly sup­port ongo­ing activ­i­ties with­in our com­mu­ni­ty. Fol­low­ing from MANO and IMAA’s ongo­ing com­mu­ni­ty round­ta­bles and con­ver­sa­tions, this dis­cus­sion will pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share infor­ma­tion, and build strate­gies for sup­port­ing media artists through both pro­duc­tion and post. This meet­ing will also serve as a launch­ing point for ongo­ing con­ver­sa­tions artists, fun­ders, and indus­try partners.