April 29 — Rent 101: Issues and strategies for artist and culture workers during COVID-19

with Sagan Yee, Nadine Lessio, Cole Web­ber and Car­rie Perreault

Wednes­day April 29 5–7pm

Co-pre­sent­ed by Trin­i­ty Square Video and MANO (Media Arts Net­work of Ontario)

To reg­is­ter, email karina@trinitysquarevideo.com. URL link pro­vid­ed upon registration.

Many artists and cul­ture work­ers are under eco­nom­ic pres­sure and trau­ma regard­ing their employ­ment and abil­i­ty to pay for hous­ing or live/work spaces. This pan­el will pro­vide use­ful infor­ma­tion and strate­gies to help those deal­ing with these issues, and how to deal with their land­lords. (This will con­tain legal infor­ma­tion about cur­rent relief and poli­cies under COVID-19, but it is not legal advice. Those in dis­pute over con­tracts, should con­sult a lawyer. We will pro­vide a list of avail­able legal resources for those need­ing legal assistance).


Sagan Yee (ED Hand­Eye Soci­ety), exec­u­tive direc­tor of Hand Eye Soci­ety, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to explor­ing and sup­port­ing videogames as a con­tem­po­rary art form. They are also an artist work­ing in the fields of ani­ma­tion and exper­i­men­tal games. You can find them at: Twit­ter: @SaganYee / Web­site: www.saganyee.com

Nadine Lessio (Ontario Ten­ants Rights), Toron­to based artist and researcher explor­ing Arti­fi­cial (Un)Intelligence, periph­er­als, and the inter­net of things. They are a long time con­trib­u­tor to Toronto’s art-tech and indie game scenes, and has pro­vid­ed a help­ing hand in the Ontario Ten­ant Rights group on Face­book for the last three years.

Cole Web­ber (Park­dale Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Ser­vices), Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Work­er at Park­dale Com­mu­ni­ty Legal Ser­vices focussing on hous­ing and homelessness.

Car­rie Per­reault (artist-ten­ant Artscape West­on), res­i­den­tial ten­ant at Artscape West­on Com­mon. She is also a Toron­to-based visu­al artist work­ing pri­mar­i­ly in sculp­ture, print­mak­ing and per­for­mance. In her work, she bal­ances resis­tance and restraint in oner­ous actions that recount long-term pre­car­i­ty and alludes to com­plex trau­ma and its resid­ual effects. web­site: www.carrieperreault.com / web­site: www.theartistcookbook.ca