MANO Co-presents Industry Panel at aluCine

Indus­try Pan­el II: Fif­teen Years of “Latinidad” in Cana­dian Media Arts
Sun­day, April 5, 3:00PM – 4:30PM
Beaver Hall Gallery
29 McCaul Street , Toron­to, Ontario

As part of aluCine’s15th anniver­sary we will to reflect more deeply on the ori­gins and impact not only of our own local media artists pro­duc­tions, but also of the entire Latin Cana­dian film pro­duc­tion from the past 15 years.

The pan­el will cov­er top­ics that reflect on the last 15 years of inde­pen­dent media arts pro­duc­tion by Latin Cana­dian artists, and will also con­sider the con­texts for the future. In reflect­ing on this filmmaking/media arts his­tory, the pan­el also aims to con­sider the frame­work evo­lu­tion that will be need­ed to sup­port Latin Cana­dian inde­pen­dent film­mak­ing into the future.

The ques­tion of the ongo­ing need for spaces for cul­tur­ally spe­cific media arts exhi­bi­tion and their rel­e­vance to future gen­er­a­tions of inde­pen­dent film­mak­ers is being ques­tioned, and this ques­tion will serve as the start­ing point for the dis­cus­sion on this panel.


Jorge Lozano- Mod­er­a­tor


Jorge Lozano has been work­ing as a film and video artist for the last 20 years and has achieved nation­al and inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. His fic­tion films have been exhib­ited at the Toron­to Film Fes­ti­val and at the Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val amongst oth­ers. His exper­i­men­tal work has been exhib­ited at many inter­na­tional fes­ti­vals and gal­leries. He has expand­ed his prac­tice to the orga­ni­za­tion of many cul­tural and art events, the cre­ation of alu­Cine, Toron­to Latin Media Fes­ti­val and facil­i­tat­ing self-rep­re­sen­ta­tions video work­shops for mar­gin­al­ized Latin and non– Latin youth in Cana­da since 199,1 Venezuela 2005 and Colom­bia 2005–2009.Dot Tuer is a writer, cul­tural the­o­rist and his­to­rian whose research focus­es on issues of post­colo­nial­ism, tran­scul­tur­a­tion, indige­nous-Euro­pean encoun­ters in the Latin Amer­i­can colo­nial peri­od, and the inter­sec­tions of his­tory, mem­ory, and hybrid­ity in con­tem­po­rary art. A book of her select­ed writ­ings, Min­ing the Media Archive: Essays on Art, Tech­nol­ogy, and Cul­tural Resis­tance, was pub­lished by YYZ Press in 2005.

Tuer has writ­ten for many muse­ums and gal­leries, includ­ing the Nation­al Gallery of Cana­da, the DIA Cen­tre for the Arts, NYC, the Syd­ney Bien­nale, the Sao Paulo Bien­nale, and the ICA in Lon­don, Eng­land; and pre­sented pub­lic inter­na­tional lec­tures on art in Europe, Latin Amer­ica, Aus­tralia and North Amer­ica. She has received numer­ous awards for her writ­ing on art, includ­ing Cana­da Coun­cil and Ontario Arts Coun­cils grants; Toron­to Arts Awards; and Ontario Art Gal­leries Asso­ci­a­tion Cura­to­r­ial Writ­ing Awards. She has served at OCAD as Chair, Cura­to­r­ial and Crit­i­cal Prac­tice (2007–9); Inter­im Chair, Grad­u­ate Pro­gram in Crit­i­cism and Cura­to­r­ial Prac­tice (2008); and Asso­ciate Dean of Lib­eral Stud­ies, Ontario Col­lege of Art and Design (2003).


Juli­eta Maria is a Toron­to based new media artist with an MFA from York Uni­ver­sity. She works with a vari­ety of media, includ­ing video, inter­ac­tive video instal­la­tions and web. She has par­tic­i­pated in sev­eral inter­na­tional screen­ings and exhi­bi­tions, includ­ing Scope Basel in Switzer­land in 2010, the Hemi­spheric Insti­tute of Per­for­mance and Pol­i­tics in Colom­bia in 2009, and the Inter­ac­tiva Bien­nale in Mex­ico 2009, among oth­ers. Dur­ing the past few years, Juli­eta has worked in the field of media arts as a facil­i­ta­tor, teach­ing work­shops in video pro­duc­tion, video edit­ing, web­site devel­op­ment and dig­i­tal sto­ry telling. She has also co-curat­ed sev­eral Inter­net and media exhi­bi­tions. She is a co-founder of e‑Fagia Visu­al and Media Art Orga­ni­za­tion in Toron­to, where she is cur­rently act­ing as the exec­u­tive direc­tor.Maria Ale­jan­d­rina Coates is a Uruguayan born, Toron­to based cura­tor and writer whose inter­ests include art prac­tices ground­ed in fem­i­nist, social, and decolo­nial frame­works. She is co-founder of SOS cura­to­r­ial col­lec­tive and Cura­tor at e‑fagia visu­al and media arts orga­ni­za­tion. Maria received a bachelor’s degree from the Uni­ver­sity of British Colum­bia and a Mas­ters degree in Art His­tory and Cura­to­r­ial Stud­ies from York Uni­ver­sity. She main­tains an active research and cura­to­r­ial prac­tice and cur­rently serves as a board mem­ber for Gendai Gallery in Toron­to, ON.

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Insta­gram: @aluCineTo
Face­book: aluCineFestival