Timmins Screening and Roundtable

Pre­sent­ed by MANO/RAMO and Near North Mobile Media Lab

Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2015
7:00 PM
Tim­mins Muse­um,  325 2nd Ave, Timmins

Near North Mobile Media Lab and MANO are team­ing up to head north for an evening of con­ver­sa­tion and media art at the Tim­mins Muse­um on Sep­tem­ber 21st . With trail­er in tow MANO will be host­ing a round table dis­cus­sion start­ing at 7:00pm fol­lowed by a pro­gram from Vtape includ­ing work from Danis Goulet, Annette Man­gaard, Lisa Birke, Kent Monkman, Ter­ril Calder,  Zoe Leigh Hop­kins and Der­mot Wil­son. Wil­son, a north­ern-based artist and co-founder of N2M2L will also be in atten­dance to talk about the strug­gles and joys of north­ern media art making.