Fri­day Octo­ber 3, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Ben­to Miso 862 Rich­mond St West, Toron­to MAP

A work­shop with Peter King­stone, Visu­al and Media Arts Offi­cer at the Toron­to Arts Coun­cil. Peter will lead an infor­mal dis­cus­sion on what is need­ed for a grant appli­ca­tion, and will guide you through the nec­es­sary steps to apply for a grant, includ­ing tips and strate­gies for incor­po­rat­ing sto­ry­telling, know­ing your audi­ence, artic­u­lat­ing your tra­jec­tory, and pro­vid­ing effec­tive documentation.

The ses­sion is open to all visu­al and media artists, regard­less of their lev­el of artis­tic experience.

For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact Adri­ana Rossel­li at

About Peter Kingstone 
Peter King­stone is a Toron­to-based visu­al artist and cura­tor, work­ing pri­mar­ily in video and pho­tog­ra­phy. As an inde­pen­dent artist, Peter’s instal­la­tion pieces have been shown across Cana­da and inter­na­tion­ally, and he was award­ed the Unti­tled Artist Award in 2005 for his instal­la­tion The Strange Case of peter K. (1974–2004). Peter holds a degree in Philosophy/Cultural Stud­ies from Trent Uni­ver­sity in Peter­bor­ough and a Mas­ters of Fine Art focus­ing on video and new media from York Uni­ver­sity in Toron­to. Peter has pre­sented at many con­fer­ences on the ideas around sto­ry­telling and social engage­ment. Peter start­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2012 as the Act­ing Visual/Media Arts Offi­cer at Toron­to Arts Council.